The PHP addcslashes function is used to adds backslashes in front of the specified characters.
addcslashes(string, charlist);
- This function is case-sensitive.
- Both the parameters are required.
- This function returns the escaped string.
This function takes two parameters. The first parameter is the string to be escaped and the second parameter is a list of characters to be escaped.
$data = addcslashes("This is addcslashes function","i");
Th\is \is addcslashes funct\ion
You can also add backslashes to a range of characters in a string.
$data = addcslashes("This is addcslashes function","A..z"); //Adds backslashes to both uppercase and lowercase characters.
echo "$data"."<br>"; //Appends HTML line-break.
echo addcslashes("THIS Is Another Example", "a..z"); //Add backslashes only before lowercase characters.
\T\h\i\s \i\s \a\d\d\c\s\l\a\s\h\e\s \f\u\n\c\t\i\o\n
THIS I\s A\n\o\t\h\e\r E\x\a\m\p\l\e
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