If you dream of becoming a software developer, there are a lot of resources available to help you to learn to program. They can range from small one-off tutorials to courses that teach you the basic skills of the language. But, learning a programming language or the latest technology won't help you to become a good Software Developer.
Software developers are natural tinkerers who like to find ways to incorporate the latest and greatest innovations into their works. In this post, I would like to share with you a few things that you can do to become a GOOD software Developer.
Be ready to Learn
To become a software developer, you need strong problem-solving skills. In addition to the theory of computer science, you must of course learn to program in different languages and frameworks to become a software developer.
There are countless free and paid resources to teach you to code. Platforms like Udemy, and Pluralsight provides you an ocean of opportunity to learn your desired skills.
Never Stick to a Single Programming Language or Framework
But be careful. Learning a good programming language is not your secret ingredient to becoming a software developer.
For starters, many people are stuck deciding which programming language or framework to learn. If you know only one programming language it is difficult to understand the concept of software development that is unique to your programming language and goes beyond a specific language or technology.
Every day, software developers solve problems, write code, and ensure the proper working of the application they develop. Software engineers should know how to write clean, and maintainable code.
They should also be able to fix bugs and find solutions for problems almost instantly. This skill can only be developed with practice and experience.
Develop Soft Skills
New developers often underestimate skills such as communication and time management, and these are a big part of the success of software engineers.
Update Your Skills
To remain relevant, engineers must continually learn and update their knowledge in new technologies, programming languages, frameworks, and techniques.
If you are not updating your skills, you could be, one day, replaced by other developers who frequently update their skills.
Discuss with Others
Discussing topics related to your domain with others, including your colleagues, is another way to improve your skills. Having discussions with others can help you to get different ideas and opinions. It will also help you to identify your mistakes make corrections to what you have learned.
Share your Knowledge
Sharing your knowledge with newbie and experienced developers is one of the best ways to improve your skills. There are numerous ways to share your knowledge. Ask questions and write answers on community forums and websites like StackOverflow and Quora.
Join different groups related to coding on social media platforms. Discord servers are one such great option. You can either start a new group or join an existing group and share your knowledge with others.
Fix Errors Yourself
Fixing errors is a part of coding. A good developer should be able to fix the errors in their program. But unfortunately, many newbie developers and computer science students seek help from others to fix the problem.
Instead of seeking help from others, you should try to fix the errors yourself. Most probably, you will find a solution for your issue on the internet. If not, ask the question in a community forum or read the documentation. Fixing errors this way will help you to gain more knowledge on the topic. Also, if you encounter the error later, you will be able to find solutions to them.
Becoming a good developer takes time and dedication. Remember, there is no single secret ingredient to becoming a good developer. Update yourself with the latest trends and technologies, and never compare your skills and knowledge with others.